Monday, September 10, 2018


Hello fellas!

I would observe three classes today,

at 7.30 – 8.30      grade 8 Science

at 8.30 – 9.30      grade 8 AgHome

at 2.00 – 3.00      grade 7A Science

The topic for today was the same like last my observation, Force, but for today was just for practicing more example about force. Last week was just about explain what is force and introduce the formula.
So Ms. Leslie begun with asked student about their assignment and then discussed it together. Some students came front of the class and wrote their answer. After that Ms. Leslie discussed it together so everyone knew the right answer.

And what made special today was I observe grade 7. That class would be my class for teaching. Today, they presented their assignment, it was what is their future career that they want the most and also they had to explain why they choosed that career and it had to related to science.
So Ms. Leslie told me that I had to act to be like assessor for their presentation. It just because Ms. Leslie had to go a little while so I had to take over the class just for a while. Well their future careers were so amazing. Most of them want to be a doctor, teacher, scientist, and also an engineer.

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