Monday, September 10, 2018


Hello fellas! 
Today was my very first day for teaching! I taught grade 7A Science and 7B AgHome. The topic that I should taught was scientific method. I begun my lesson at 9.30 - 11.30 am in AgHome class and continued my lesson at 2.00 – 3.00 pm in grade 7A Science. Before I taught them, Ms. Leslie asked the students to presented their assignment first about their career. After that they had a game to guessed the answer of some cases in the video.

            Afterwards, it was my turn to take over the class. I taught about Scientific Method. I began with asked them “Do you ever wonder, how scientist could discover something new?”. They replied with various answers. Most of them answered that scientist conducted an experiment and yes that was true.

            Afterwards, I explained about five steps of scientific method and always gave an example each step. I also showed a picture of Fransesco Redi, he was a scientist that used scientific method to discover that maggots didn’t arise from meat. To make sure that the students understand about the lesson, I showed a video and I asked them to wrote the steps of scientific method from the video that I played. After that, I asked them to wrote the answer on the board so everyone could see the right answer.

            And to make them remembered the steps easily, I played scientific method’s song. I asked them to stand up and sang together. At the last 10 minutes, I gave them a seatwork to be answered by themselves.

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